Compress String

Write a function that compresses recurring characters for a given string. For example, aaabbbbccccdd returns a3b4c4d2.

The code proceeds as follows:

  • Input the string into the function.
  • Initialize a string to store the results.
  • Store the first character in the string as the temporary character.
  • Initialize an integer counter to one.
  • Go through each character in the string.
    • If the current character is equal to the temporary character then increment the counter.
    • Otherwise append the temporary character and its counter to the results string.
    • Reset the counter to one.
    • Set the temporary character as the current character.
  • Return the results string.
string compress(const string & myString) {
   string result;
   char last = myString[0];
   int counter = 1;
   for (int i = 1; i < myString.length(); i++) {
      if (myString[i] == last) counter++;
      else {
         last = myString[i];
         counter = 1;
   return result;

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